Carson was born on June 1, 2011. He was 7lbs 3 oz and 18.5'' long. Labor and delivery went well. My water was broken at 9:30 am on the 1st and he was here by 2:21 p.m. I guess he was in as big of a hurry to meet us as we were to meet him!!
Today he is one week old! And we have had quite a week. We were at the hospital till Friday morning. We spent the weekend "relaxing" and getting to know each other. We've also had a few visitors to meet our new little man. Monday morning was our first doctors visit. Carson had gained a little weight and the doc thought he looked great!
We tried having him sleep in our room in a pack and play but he prefers sleeping in his crib! He is already growing up too fast!!
Happy One Week baby Carson! We can't wait to watch you grow!