Our house has been quite the roller coaster ride here lately. Starting Christmas Eve and lasting about week, the boys got really bad head colds. Luckily they pasted before I had to return to school. However, the Friday before I was returning to work I came down with strep throat. Thankfully that pasted in time for me to head to work Monday. Unfortunately then I felt like I was treading water all week to keep up with school and home work from being down a whole weekend. Moms truly weren't meant to EVER be sick!! Then on the 11th poor Bradley started to show signs of coming down with something. By Monday morning we knew it had to be something pretty serious because it was getting worse. Kyle stayed home with him that day. When he dropped Carson off at school that morning Bradley's teacher stopped Kyle and told him a child in our class had RSV. That made us a little worried. By the time I returned home from work we realized he was really struggling to breath. We called the doc and the nurse listened to Bradley over the phone and determined we should go straight to the ER since he was breathing to hard and fast. So Monday we spent the evening mostly waiting in OU Children's ER waiting room. They did confirm he had RSV, and thankfully he was able to obtain anywhere between 90-100% oxygen while we were there so we were able to go home. They did also warn us that we probably hadn't hit the worse of it yet so to come back if his symptoms got worse. They were right, we hadn't seen the worse of it! Tuesday Bradley turned 4 months and we already had his wellness visit schedule for that day which was perfect because the ER wanted to have a follow up visit with either them or our regular pediatrician. While at the doc we learned the RSV had caused Bradley's first ear infection as well. So we had one sick little man and it was a rough week for everyone involved. As of today Bradley seems a lot better. His breathing sounds a lot better, he is coughing less, and is more playful. The sickness really took a toll on his eating and sleeping. He was eating around 30 oz before he was sick and was only waking once during the night if his paci was lost. Now we are lucky if he will eat 3 oz at sitting and he is waking to eat every 2 hours. And to top it all off Carson has now gotten a stuffy nose and cough! Needless to say we are all very exhausted and are praying he will bounce back any day now.
Bradley 4 months old (taken on 1/19/14)
Above: Carson 4 months old. I think they look a lot alike!
At 4 months Bradley weighs 13 lbs 14 oz (17% for his age/weight/height) and is 26 inches tall ( 85%). He is tall for his age group and is skinny for his age and height. Since our doctors first visit with Bradley he he has been telling us how tall Bradley is and how he is sure he'll be bigger than Carson. This visit he predicts Bradley will eventually even be taller than Kyle! I can imagine having children the same size of my hubby but I never could have imagined them being any taller since I'm short. Can't wait to see if the doctor is right! Currently Bradley loves talking. I think its to keep up with Carson's chatty personality. He loves to play with Kyle, Carson, and myself. He especially loves to watch what Carson is doing. He grabs for things, giggles, loves to be held to sit up or stand, and hates tummy time! He did roll over two times on Christmas (from tummy to back) but hasn't done that since. We got the ok from the doctor to begin the journey of cereal and baby food when we are ready. I can't believe we can start that already, please time slow down!
Carson is still in love with brother and keeps talking about the things "they'll probably play" when he is bigger. Carson loves school, friends, books, trains and all modes of transportation, Disney Jr., peanut butter and jelly, and doing everything by himself! He is such a smart and sassy 2 year old. I can already envision what our parent teacher conferences will be like with his future teachers :/ He keeps it very fun and interesting around our house!!
I hope you'll continue to pray with us for our sweet boys to regain full health and mommy and daddy to regain their sanity.
Carson is still in love with brother and keeps talking about the things "they'll probably play" when he is bigger. Carson loves school, friends, books, trains and all modes of transportation, Disney Jr., peanut butter and jelly, and doing everything by himself! He is such a smart and sassy 2 year old. I can already envision what our parent teacher conferences will be like with his future teachers :/ He keeps it very fun and interesting around our house!!
I hope you'll continue to pray with us for our sweet boys to regain full health and mommy and daddy to regain their sanity.