Our little man is eight months old!! I honestly am in shock that in about 4 months we will be celebrating another first birthday!!! Where in the world does the time go?!?!? Bradley has four teeth, two front bottoms and two top fangs as I call them. One of the front top ones is trying to come through and I am praying it hurries up because the vampire baby look is a little alarming! He is still enjoying baby food and is now enjoying more snacks and slowly more table food, as you can tell from the pick he is getting a little more meat on his bones so food is something he enjoys! He is a crawling machine and has gotten pretty fast at it. He is still pulling to stand up while holding on to something and this past week he cruised around the ottoman. Kyle feels pretty confident that he'll be walking by 9-10 months. He continues to be madly in love with brother and everything he does, he loves playing the drum, putting everything in his mouth, music, bath time, and Carson's toys ;). He is talking more (babbling) and we feel like he may actually be saying mama, dada, and bubba, but he doesn't do it all the time so we aren't sure if he is really saying what we think he may be saying, lol!
Carson turns 3 on June first so we are busy gearing up for his celebration and finishing up this school year! All four of us are anxious for summer to begin!
Look at those eyes! And if you look very carefully at his bottom lip you can see the tops of his teeth. I haven't been able to get a good pick of our vampire baby teeth I am hopeful I will before more come in!