Carson is the big 3!! His little party was on the 1st at Hafer Park in Edmond. Carson really enjoys going to that park and feeding the ducks and playing so we thought it was the perfect spot for his celebration. Some of our friends and their children came out to help celebrate by feeding the ducks, sliding, and of course eating cupcakes!! Carson had a great time, thanks to everyone who took time out of their weekend to help us honor our big guy!
Grandma Lynch and Bradley
Gary, Joey, Carson, Brayden, and Rhys feeding the geese.
Brayden, Ben, and Carson
The face says it all!!
Both the boys had their wellness checks on the 16th. Carson weighs 37 lbs. and is in the 90th percentile for his age. That is about 6 more pounds than at his 2 year check up. He is 39.5 inches tall and is in the 90th percentile for his age group. Which is 4.5 more inches than a year ago. So he is a big boy!! Doctor had him count to five and identify colors, and did great! He told Carson that he needed to work on eating more meat so he could get bigger muscles, so we're hopeful the doctors orders will work to get our little guy to eat more protein. He got to pick two stickers this visit since he did so great and because he is totally potty trained!! We also went to the eye doctor for the first time this month. Carson did fantastic. He was just in awe of all the instruments and things to look at. He has a little farsightedness and a little astigmatism. Neither things concerned the doctor at this time so it's just something we'll keep our eye on as he grows closer to school age.
Carson currently loves peanut butter and jelly, applesauce, fruits, and almost all sweets and snacks, he also loves elephants, the zoo, all transportation vehicles, Disney Jr., books, sports, telling stories and talking up a storm, music, and his brother. He is all boy and I enjoy watching him continue to grow into the person God has planned him to be!
Happy 9 months baby boy! ( Look at all those teeth)
Bradley turned 9 months on the 14th. He weighs 17lbs and 13 oz, which is the 18th percentile for his age. He is 28.75 inches tall, which is the 67th percentile. So he is still tall and slender. Doctor said he looked great and was doing well besides the ear infection he discovered (ugh!). He now has 6 teeth, he can wave, cruises all around the place, can walk behind a pushing toy, and can stand alone for a short period of time. He is still eating baby food and occasional table food. He loves to follow Carson's lead, feeding himself snacks, he can be quit the giggle box especially if brother is playing with him, he enjoys music, his head being rubbed, and his mama :)
Bradley also went to see the eye doctor this month. He also has a little farsightedness and his right eye is a little weaker than his left so we are working on strengthening it. The doctor recommends we help him go cross eyed while playing with him which will help the eye. She will need to see him in a year to check in on the eye.
He is the sweetest little guy and I really can't imagine our life without our baby brother!
I of course got another amazing picture of my three guys :/ This is Father's Day morning before church. We did however have a nice Father's Day honoring our sweet Daddy!
This past month our family has went through a few changes. I said farewell to teaching for a little while so I can stay home with the boys. It was a bitter sweet decision. I truly love teaching but with the desire to be with the boys, the cost of childcare, and the stresses of the education system right now it was the best thing to do. I am thrilled that we've been blessed with the opportunity to do this and are so thankful for the job Kyle has been blessed with to make it all possible. But because I am staying home the boys no longer will be going to daycare, which Carson has taken a little harder than I thought. He has been with many of those kiddos since he was just an infant and he misses many of them often. We are sending the boys to a Mother's Day Out twice a week and the transition has been a little rough. Kyle thinks once Carson makes a friend he'll adjust and be more excited about his new "school." I pray he is right because I really want him to like our new routine. Bradley has some separation anxiety so I am hoping with age he'll get past the crying when I leave. It really pulls at my heart strings to see them get upset when I leave, especially because its all because I changed our old routine and quit working! Other than that as of right now it feels like I am on our usual summer break and the boys and I are living it up with play dates, pool time, fun outings, and establishing our new daily routines.
We are looking forward to a great rest of the summer full of fun and wonderful memories!!