Kyle and I had such a great time in San Diego! We stayed at a beautiful hotel in Downtown San Diego and it was right by everything we wanted to do. We got to send time on Coronado Island, see a Padre's game, the San Diego Zoo, hang out in the Gaslamp district, sun bathe at the beautiful pool, and Most Importantly send time with each other! It was a quick trip but we did so much and really enjoyed taking time to be together!
Our trip was also my first time away from Carson, and he did great (So did I ;) )! My mom, Grandma Lynch, stayed with him. They had a lot of fun running around together. He was so excited when he saw us walk in the door after our trip, but I think he was equally sad to see Grandma go.
Right after we got back we also had Kyle's 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe he has been out of high school for 10 years, I still feel we are like 23!! It was really neat to see his high school, which has changed a lot he said since he was there, and meet many of his classmates. It was just another reminder how time really does fly by!
Carson turned 14 months August 1st, and he continues to get bigger and busier! He has 10 teeth, and I noticed the 11th one coming in today, talks all the time, loves to do everything on his own, runs and starting to climb, sweeping the floor (random I know), and loves playing with his toys. He currently is saying NO, bubbles, dog, mama, da for dad, eye and points to your eye or his, hot, ball, and mine. He is getting better at using his spoon and fork while eating, which I am thankful for because he refuses to let us feed him most of the time! He also got his first pair of Nike tennis shoes and when he has them on look out because he forgets to walk and just runs!! We also had his hair cut, the used the clippers and everything so I feel this is his first real hair cut. And it makes him look so much older!
July really flew by and Kyle continued to stay busy at work and we all continued to stay busy do things around the house, seeing friends, and enjoying the last leg of summer break.
And so today marks the last day of my summer vacation and being a summer stay at home mom
:( We have had such an amazing and eventful summer and I am soo grateful I get to have so much time with my little man. I am looking forward to a great year with a great group of students and all the wonderful adventures my little family continues to take.
:( We have had such an amazing and eventful summer and I am soo grateful I get to have so much time with my little man. I am looking forward to a great year with a great group of students and all the wonderful adventures my little family continues to take.
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