Friday, July 12, 2013

Happy July

(July 4, 2011 Edmond Parade)
(July 4, 2012 Grandma Lynch's House after the neighborhood parade.)
 (July 4, 2013 Grandma Lynch's house after getting parade candy!)

I'm sure it is said by everyone everywhere every year, but this summer sure is flying by! However, I am so thankful I get the chance to spend so much extra time with my little man, family, and friends during the summer months and for the lower than normal temps outside!
This past month our little family has stayed busy as usual! We have gotten to work on Bradley's room and are near completion so pictures will come soon! We have had many birthday parties, play dates, trips to the zoo and pool, and a couple little road trips. 
One trip was to Harrah, OK which is not to far to see Kyle's Grandma Thompson, who has recently moved here from Kansas. It was a short but nice day visit with Grandma and Kyle's Aunt Barb and Uncle Dick. On our way home from Harrah we took Route 66 and made a pit stop at POPs, and Carson got his first bottle of orange cream soda. Kyle and I of course chugged majority of it so he didn't get an entire bottle, but he loved every drop he could get his lips on!

We had a great fourth of July! We got up and around early and headed to the Edmond Liberty Parade with our dear friends the Wheelers. Carson and Ben were asking to go about 5 minutes in, but I think they enjoyed it. It was already hot out at 8:30 in the morning and there were a lot loud sirens coming our way, so I think that may have overwhelmed them. Below is a picture of the boys watching the horses and Carson waving his American flag and nearly taking everyone around him eyes out :/ After we left the parade about half way through we went to my mom's house to catch her neighborhoods parade. At her parade they throw out candy and the neighborhood kids decorate their bicycles so we knew Carson wouldn't be afraid to sit through that one. Then later that evening we went and visited and cooked out with the Wheelers at their house. The boys really enjoy each other and their toys, and we loved getting to catch up with Dustin and Rebekah and snuggle on baby Camden!
 (Hiding from the loud fire truck sirens.)
(Counting out his candy after the Warwick neighborhood parade.)

Other news that has been all Carson can talk about around our house is the newest addition of 5 baby birds! We noticed late Spring that a bird had built a nest in our front yard tree and was always guarding it and yelling anytime we went near it. We weren't ever able to see the actual eggs but since she was being so protective we knew she must have some in there. Middle of June we finally heard the little baby birds! Everyday Carson wanted to go see those babies, but the mom and dad would attack if you got too close so we mainly watched the tree from our front door! The little family left our little tree while we were on our trip to Dallas but it was fun watching Carson be amazed by our  little bird family each day!

  Our second road trip was to Dallas/ Fort Worth to see my sister and brother in law the weekend after 4th of July. The Dobbs' family is one of Carson's favorite things in the whole world. So we probably could have just sat in their Dallas apartment all weekend and he would have been just as happy, but we ventured out to Fort Worth for a day at the zoo. It was pretty hot but luckily the zoo offers tons of shade and misters to keep us cool. Its a great zoo with tons of great exhibits but of course Carson was the most impressed with the elephants!

 (Aunt and Uncle Dobbs at the giraffes.)
(New born monkey and its mommy.)

Carson is growing and changing everyday! His vocabulary and talking continues to amaze me. But once you get him going be prepared to hear him talk till he is red in the face. We made the transition to a twin bed and absolutely no pacis in this house the middle of June. He has done great! He loves his new bed and is proud to show it off whenever anyone comes over. He asked about his paci a couple days at nap and bedtime and then that was it we never heard about them again! All these changes have made me so proud of him and a little sad, because I know the true baby stage is over :'( However, so far this 2 year old is proving to be really fun too! Currently he loves tractors, cars, Mickey Mouse, and play doh and of course all of his old loves too, books and Sesame Street. Anything Kyle does Carson feels he has to do it too. If Dads outside so must Carson go, etc. It makes my heart melt! He loves the 2 year old room at daycare and actually ask me to take him to school during the week! When he says, "I want to go to school, see my friends," I get a little choked up. But it is a good feeling knowing he is loved and enjoys where he goes without Daddy and me. 

Since my last post I have had two doctors appointments for Baby Bradley. One on June 18th and the other on July 9th. Both went well! On June 18th, I hadn't gained any weight but my measurements were fine so the doctor was ok with it. On July 9th I had gained three lbs! So I guess I made up for lost time! His heart rate at both visits was in the middle to high 140s.  Everything is looking great with Bradley. I continue to have heartburn all the time, I'm always pressing on my belly because this little guy is a mover and a shaker and I have to push back to get him in a comfortable position, and I'm always hot but other than that its been a pretty smooth pregnancy. As of today I am 30 weeks and 4 days, so a little less than 10 weeks to go!!

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