Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bradley's 1 month old!!

Sept. 14, 2013
Oct. 13, 2013

Our little man has been with us for 1 month, and I really can't believe its already October!
 Bradley is staying awake a little more during the day and is enjoying hanging out in his vibrating bouncer chair, tummy time, being held, and swaddled. He is getting really good at holding his head up for small periods of time and has started doing a little "talking." Each week he gets better and better at taking naps and sleeping through the night, so I'm hopefully we will get a goods nights rest sooner rather than later :) We've also started venturing out together and besides hating the car seat or when the car stops he is a pretty good companion. He even made his first trip to the OKC Zoo this past month. We went with big brother and our fun friends, the Kochenowers, and we all survived and had a good time! We also took the boys and my mom to Chester's Pumpkin Patch this past month. Carson really enjoyed running around, seeing the animals, and picking pumpkins, Bradley was just happy to be fed and burped by Grandma. 
 Pumpkin Patch 10-12-13

Carson seems to still really enjoy and love Bradley. He loves to help, even when help isn't needed ;) Last night we were coming home from a friends house and Bradley just wasn't enjoying the ride and Carson sat through the whole crying spell holding Bradleys hand telling him it was ok. And all the while Carson is smiling and dancing to the music, just enjoying the moment. It made my mommy heart so full! I pray they continue to grow to love and enjoy each other like that always.

We are also working hard with Carson on using the potty. We had one successful moment and since then no others, but we are determined to help him figure it out. He does however love underwear and getting to wear those around, so I think that's a step in the right direction.

So I guess we've had a pretty exciting month and we are looking forward to all the Fall festivities and holidays to come with our family of four!

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