Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today our little man is 3 weeks!! I can not believe three weeks have gone by, June needs to slow down. Last Friday Carson had his 2 week check-up. He weighed 7lbs and 9oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He is growing as fast as the weeks are going by!

 He has really started enjoying bath time!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Introducing Carson Ross Bertholf

Carson was born on June 1, 2011. He was 7lbs 3 oz and 18.5'' long. Labor and delivery went well. My water was broken at 9:30 am on the 1st and he was here by 2:21 p.m. I guess he was in as big of a hurry to meet us as we were to meet him!!

Today he is one week old! And we have had quite a week. We were at the hospital till Friday morning. We spent the weekend "relaxing" and getting to know each other. We've also had a few visitors to meet our new little man. Monday morning was our first doctors visit. Carson had gained a little weight and the doc thought he looked great!
We tried having him sleep in our room in a pack and play but he prefers sleeping in his crib! He is already growing up too fast!!

Happy One Week baby Carson! We can't wait to watch you grow!