Sunday, August 28, 2011

(11 weeks old, I swear he smiles a lot but never for the camera)

August was a big month for our little family. I started back to work, Kyle went out of town for two weeks, Carson started daycare, and I got a sinus infection. All these events made life a little crazy!! I think out of the three of us Carson has handled it all the best though!

I am still teaching the second grade and this year I was blessed with 23 lovely 7 and 8 year olds. I have a wide variety of personalities so this should be a very entertaining year.

Carson seems to be doing well at the in home daycare we have him at. He goes at about 8 in the morning and I pick him up around 4. Mrs. Tracy tells me how precious and how much she loves Baby Carson every time I pick him up. Leaving my baby to return to work has probably been one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I value my time with Carson even more now!
His personality continues to get bigger each week. Currently he loves playing in his little play pin and talking to the Bee that dangles above him. He also loves being sat up in your lap to look around, being talked to, kissed on the nose, bath time, music, his paci, and swaddled. He hates being burped, tummy time, and getting out of the bath. We bought a tummy time mat in hopes he'll learn to love it more and start rolling over but we've had no luck yet :(
Carson will be 3 months old on Sept. 1st!! I can't believe the precious newborn phase flew by so fast.

 We had our first get together at our house since Carson was born this weekend. Kyle was a little nervous that Carson would cry the whole time since he usually likes to be in the middle of the excitement, but he didn't make a peep. We had 4 couples, 2 with babies as well, over for a game night. The other couples with baby boys brought them too. So we had three baby boys sleeping in three of our rooms while we all had a fun night of games. We all had so much fun and the babies all did great!

Sooner Football season starts next week, and if you know Kyle very well you know that is a big deal in our household. We are excited to get the season started and enjoy some fun football weekends!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 month Check Up

Carson had his 2 month check up today! He weighs 11 lbs 2 oz and is 23 inches long! He is in the 50th percentile for his age in weigh and height. While the doctor visited with Kyle and I, Carson laid on the table giggling and "talking" to the ceiling, it was soo cute! He also got his first round of shots. The nurse was a pro at getting them done fast. He cried while she gave the shots, but the moment she put the band aids on he stopped crying. He was a true champ!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy 2 months Carson!!

Today Carson is 2 months old! He is smiling more and more each day, unfortunately its never for the camera :(
We go to the Dr. Thursday for his 2 month check up. I am anxious to see how much he has grown since the last time we were there, which was when he was two weeks old. At two weeks he was 7lbs 9 oz and 20 3/4 inches long. He is also getting his first round of shots. I'm hoping for a miracle and the shots don't really phase him.
This is my last week of summer so Carson and I plan on having a lot of cuddle time and spending a lot of time getting my class ready for the new year. This is also one of Kyle's busiest times of the year at work. He will be traveling during my first two weeks back to work. I am praying we all transition well into our new routine.

 He was smiling before I got the camera.
 Two month family picture

One month family picture.