Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy 6 months!!

(sitting under Grandma Lynch's Christmas tree on 12/3)

Carson turned 6 months on Thursday! It is so hard to believe how much he has grown and changed in that amount of time. The past month he has learned how to sit up all on his own, he talks quite a bit around Kyle and I, and he wants to grab and play with everything as well as put it all in his mouth! He has also found a great love for FOOD! He absolutely lights up when you feed him oatmeal or any pureed food!

We went to the Dr. for his 6 month check-up on Friday.
He is now 27 inches long, 16 lbs and 14 oz, and his head circumference 43.4. He is above average in height, below average in weight, and average in head size. So he is still tall and skinny with an average head!
Everything looked great except the doctor discovered he has an ear infection. We didn't even know it, he had been acting pretty normal so we were really surprised to find that out. He believes it is from the cold he had a few weeks ago. Since we are leaving for Idaho in a few weeks we are hoping it heals quickly. The doctor is making us revisit him before we leave to make sure the infection is gone. He said he won't stop us from getting on the plane but if the infection is still there, it won't be good for little Carson. So let's pray the medicine works and we have a happy baby for the flight.
The doctor also saw his two front bottom teeth under the gums so hopefully they will pop any day now so the drooling gets under control!!

1st Thanksgiving

Love you all!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Cup Runneth Over :)

God has truly filled my heart with such joy by blessing me with such a beautiful and wonderful little family. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter baby, a more loving husband, or crazier dogs! Thank you Lord and I pray that anyone who wants a little baby blessing will receive that gift, my cup has truly runneth over.
Couple of weeks before he came. 
Our first evening together. 
First family photo. 
one month old 
two month old 
three month old
Five month old!

*Please continue to keep my Grandfather in your prayers.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We have a 5 month old!

Carson turned 5 months old on Tuesday and it has been a month full of excitement for the Bertholf Family. This past month Carson has started a new daycare and Kyle has started a new job, lots of changes.
The beginning of October we got a call from the daycare center right across the street from our neighborhood (the one we've been on the list for since Dec.) with an open spot for Carson. We were a little torn to part ways with Mrs. Tracy but after a lot of thought we felt it was best for Carson and us. He started at the new center on the 17th. It took him a few days to get adjusted, but I believe now he is enjoying his new teachers and three new baby friends.
The second week of October Kyle got a call from a friend who had referred him to a man looking for a controller to help start his new company. The same day Kyle heard from his friend, the man called and asked Kyle to come meet him, I guessed he liked Kyle because he offered him the position right then and there. Long story short, he eventually took the job offer and he started his new job the 24th. The new company is called Red Back. He is really enjoying it and I am thrilled for him and at the fact that he is able to come home at a reasonable hour more often!
Watching Carson become a 5 month old has been so fun and exciting. He has learned how to roll from belly to back and back to belly so I have a feeling he'll really start going places! He has also started trying to sit up on his own. He is really enjoying hearing himself "talk." For almost a week he was waking around 5:30 a.m and just laying in his crib talking and giggling to himself. Kyle and I would wake up and giggle right along with him as we listened on the monitor.  It is so incredible to watch him learn new things!
He enjoys hanging out with his tiny pillow pet.

Sitting up all on his own!

Trick or Treating at Pi Phi with his pal Baby Brett. We both got our boys monkey costumes and didn't even know it!

On a side note, as some of you may know my Grandfather has been in and out of the hospital the last couple of months with complications from a back surgery. He is currently back in the hospital, please keep him and my Grandmother in your prayers!
Love you all

Monday, October 3, 2011

4 months!!

Happy Four Months Carson!!
He was dressed and ready to cheer on the Sooners before the OU vs. Ball State game.

Saturday Carson turned 4 months old. I know I always say it, but I can not believe it has gone by this fast! Every week it is something new and exciting with this little guy.
We went to the doctor Friday for Carson's 4 month check up. Doc says he is lookin good. He is 25 inches long (which is the 75th percentile for his age) and 14 lbs 3 oz (which is the 50th percentile for his age) so the doctor said, "Carson is tall and skinny!" He was doing great at the visit till the doctor looked in his ears, then it went down hill. He cried the rest of the visit :( But as soon as the shots were over, so were the tears!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Grandparents Day!

I know I'm a few days late but I wanted to honor our Great Grandparents and Grandparents for National Grandparents Day!! We love them so much and would not be who we are without each and every one of them.

 Carson and I with my Grandma Pennington and his Grandma Lynch
 Carson with Grandpa and Grandma Bertholf
 Carson with Grandpa Lynch and next to them is Carson's Great Grandma Lynch
Carson with Great Grandma Pennington. Unfortunately I haven't captured a pic with Great Grandpa Pennington, but it is high on the priority list as soon as he recovers. (Please keep my Grandpa in your prayers, he is still in the hospital suffering from complication from a back surgery he had Friday) 
Carson with Great Grandpa Thompson (Kyle's Grandpa). Grandpa Thompson passed away on Labor Day. We are so glad we got to see him before he went to be in Heaven. 
Carson with Great Grandma Thompson. We love you Grandma and are thinking of you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Carson Rolled Over!!!

Early this morning after his feeding, I put Carson down on the rug for a little tummy time. For like the first time ever he was not fussing and just enjoying looking around on his tummy. I told Kyle to run and get a camera because this moment of tummy enjoyment needs to be remembered. He went and got the camera had it aimed at Carson and was trying to flip it into video mode when all of a sudden he flipped over to his back! Kyle and I were in such shock we got NO picture of it! But I am just so thrilled he finally did it and we were there to see it!

Happy 3 months Baby!!

 Sept. 3, 2011
Around August 1st (2 months) 
July 1, 2011 (1 month)

1st day

Happy Labor Day everyone!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

(11 weeks old, I swear he smiles a lot but never for the camera)

August was a big month for our little family. I started back to work, Kyle went out of town for two weeks, Carson started daycare, and I got a sinus infection. All these events made life a little crazy!! I think out of the three of us Carson has handled it all the best though!

I am still teaching the second grade and this year I was blessed with 23 lovely 7 and 8 year olds. I have a wide variety of personalities so this should be a very entertaining year.

Carson seems to be doing well at the in home daycare we have him at. He goes at about 8 in the morning and I pick him up around 4. Mrs. Tracy tells me how precious and how much she loves Baby Carson every time I pick him up. Leaving my baby to return to work has probably been one of the hardest things I have ever done. But I value my time with Carson even more now!
His personality continues to get bigger each week. Currently he loves playing in his little play pin and talking to the Bee that dangles above him. He also loves being sat up in your lap to look around, being talked to, kissed on the nose, bath time, music, his paci, and swaddled. He hates being burped, tummy time, and getting out of the bath. We bought a tummy time mat in hopes he'll learn to love it more and start rolling over but we've had no luck yet :(
Carson will be 3 months old on Sept. 1st!! I can't believe the precious newborn phase flew by so fast.

 We had our first get together at our house since Carson was born this weekend. Kyle was a little nervous that Carson would cry the whole time since he usually likes to be in the middle of the excitement, but he didn't make a peep. We had 4 couples, 2 with babies as well, over for a game night. The other couples with baby boys brought them too. So we had three baby boys sleeping in three of our rooms while we all had a fun night of games. We all had so much fun and the babies all did great!

Sooner Football season starts next week, and if you know Kyle very well you know that is a big deal in our household. We are excited to get the season started and enjoy some fun football weekends!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2 month Check Up

Carson had his 2 month check up today! He weighs 11 lbs 2 oz and is 23 inches long! He is in the 50th percentile for his age in weigh and height. While the doctor visited with Kyle and I, Carson laid on the table giggling and "talking" to the ceiling, it was soo cute! He also got his first round of shots. The nurse was a pro at getting them done fast. He cried while she gave the shots, but the moment she put the band aids on he stopped crying. He was a true champ!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy 2 months Carson!!

Today Carson is 2 months old! He is smiling more and more each day, unfortunately its never for the camera :(
We go to the Dr. Thursday for his 2 month check up. I am anxious to see how much he has grown since the last time we were there, which was when he was two weeks old. At two weeks he was 7lbs 9 oz and 20 3/4 inches long. He is also getting his first round of shots. I'm hoping for a miracle and the shots don't really phase him.
This is my last week of summer so Carson and I plan on having a lot of cuddle time and spending a lot of time getting my class ready for the new year. This is also one of Kyle's busiest times of the year at work. He will be traveling during my first two weeks back to work. I am praying we all transition well into our new routine.

 He was smiling before I got the camera.
 Two month family picture

One month family picture.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The End is Near....

I have two full weeks left before returning back to work  :(  I love teaching but I sure love being Carson's mommy more! I know once I get into the swing of things at school I will feel fine about being a working mom, but until then your prayers are much appreciated!!

The past few weeks have been packed full of events! For about two and half weeks we had Kyle's family in town to visit our newest addition. Kyle's mom, dad, sisters, and sister's family all had the chance to come see us. We were thrilled they got to spend so much time with our little man. We also took our first out of state trip. We went to Kansas for the day to see Kyle's grandparents. Carson was going through a growth spurt that day, so it proved to be a very eventful trip. We also learned a lot about how to travel with a baby!

Carson and I had our first "play date." However, I forgot to get pictures! We went and visited Brett and Whitney. It mostly consisted of Carson sleeping and Brett being the life of the party. He is one of the sweetest and happiest little boys I have ever met!

Sunday we had Carson dedicated at our church, Crossings Community. My mom, sister, and her husband were all able to attend to help dedicate our little blessing. We are so blessed to have such amazing families who are willing to help make sure Carson is raised to know the Lord. He did a great job during the dedication and service!

Carson will be eight weeks on Wednesday and he continues to grow like a weed! Below are some pictures of the last few weeks.

Great Grandpa Thompson

Great Grandma Thompson

Carson's favorite hold with daddy

Passed out after his dedication

"Talking" at six weeks

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our first holiday!

We celebrated the fourth of July by attending the Edmond parade. Carson slept most of the time but I think he enjoyed the little bit he saw! Kyle's parents were also in town so after the parade we had a little cookout.

(Kyle wasn't too crazy about us all matching, but I couldn't resist!!)

Carson is five weeks old and is growing like crazy. I didn't realize how big he had gotten until we visited some friends and their newborn in the hospital this week. It is amazing how fast it truly does go.
Carson visiting his friend Nash Jordan at the hospital. They are almost exactly one month apart. I can't believe Carson was that size a month ago.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Carson's 1st Month

Our first month as a new family has been pretty eventful! Carson continues to grow bigger and show more of his personality everyday!! He is getting really good at holding his head up and he smiles randomly more and more each day. We can't wait for the day he actually smiles at mommy and daddy :)
Just an hour after Carson was born. June 1, 2011

And one month later, July 1, 2011. He is slowly figuring out his hand can be used as a pacifier!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today our little man is 3 weeks!! I can not believe three weeks have gone by, June needs to slow down. Last Friday Carson had his 2 week check-up. He weighed 7lbs and 9oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. He is growing as fast as the weeks are going by!

 He has really started enjoying bath time!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Introducing Carson Ross Bertholf

Carson was born on June 1, 2011. He was 7lbs 3 oz and 18.5'' long. Labor and delivery went well. My water was broken at 9:30 am on the 1st and he was here by 2:21 p.m. I guess he was in as big of a hurry to meet us as we were to meet him!!

Today he is one week old! And we have had quite a week. We were at the hospital till Friday morning. We spent the weekend "relaxing" and getting to know each other. We've also had a few visitors to meet our new little man. Monday morning was our first doctors visit. Carson had gained a little weight and the doc thought he looked great!
We tried having him sleep in our room in a pack and play but he prefers sleeping in his crib! He is already growing up too fast!!

Happy One Week baby Carson! We can't wait to watch you grow!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Your Due Date!

This morning we had our weekly Dr.'s visit. Everything looked great, except the fact that Carson hasn't arrived yet! So since our doctor has a vacation planned and doesn't want us to go past 41 weeks she scheduled an induction for this evening at 8. Kyle and I are doing some last minute errands, relaxing, and enjoying the last day as just us and the dogs. Keep our family in prayer that the labor and delivery is quick and there are no complications. We can't wait to meet our little boy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Any Day Now!

We have 6 days till our due date! We are very anxious and excited to meet our little blessing. We went to the doctor yesterday before all the storms rolled in. Carson's heart rate was good and all my stats look good as well. Doctor felt like it could be any day now for Carson's arrival. If he doesn't come by Tuesday, our actual due date, we will go see the doctor that morning and make plans for an induction. I really hope he decides to meet us before then!!

Have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend, and keep praying our little man will have a May birthday!!

Love you all!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

38 weeks!

We are 38 weeks today!! Our weekly check up went well. I'm still only dilated a cm and 60 % effacement, but Carson has dropped! Crossing my legs is now a thing of the past till he makes his appearance. His heart rate was in the high 120's. So, come on Carson we are ready to meet you!!

 His diaper bag and boppy are ready for the hospital.