Monday, February 6, 2012

8 months

Carson turned 8 months old Wednesday! He is getting to be such a big boy and showing his personality more and more each day. He currently has one bottom tooth, it made its appearance on Jan. 17th, and he has about three more that will make their appearance any day now. I am hoping sooner rather than later because his drooling and chewing is out of control! He still isn't crawling :( He scoots and rolls to any toy or place he needs to get to though. He absolutely LOVES to pull up and stand on any item that is available, and he is getting really good at it. So who knows maybe we'll have a walker before we have a crawler! His other current loves are feeding himself snacks, dumping and putting things in his bucket, bath time, Jake (our youngest pup), his momma ;), and yelling (he thinks its funny!) :(

I'll post pics of our little love in the next day or two!

Everything else is going well here at the Bertholf house. Kyle is still really enjoying his new job and we are enjoying all the extra family time we have gotten because of it!