Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's Football Time in Oklahoma!!

Carson and I Aug. 30, 2012
Carson and I Sept. 3, 2011
(We haven't successful gotten one of Kyle and Carson or of the family in our OU attire yet, its not as easy as it was a year ago ;) )
It's Fall!! This one of my most favorite times of the year! I love the cooler weather, football season, great food, and the upcoming holidays, there is just so much fun to be had!!
August was an extremely busy time here at the Bertholf residence. I went back to work and forgot how to manage a child, house, and classroom, but I believe I have somewhat settled back in now. On top of that Kyle's company has continued to grow which equals him being extremely busy as well! And it seemed we had a birthday party or baby shower every weekend in August. Now that we've gotten back into a routine all the busyness feels manageable!
Carson turned 15 months on Sept. 1, I waited to update you till we had our wellness visit which was Thursday. His month was equally as crazy as his mom and dad's. Carson recently had to switch classrooms at daycare because he had become the victim of a serial biter!! It started repeatedly occurring the 1st day I went back to work, so needless to say I wasn't happy to go back to work at first. Long story short the incidents kept occurring and I kept picking up Carson with bite marks that looked like his arm was a corn on the cob. So I asked if possible to switch rooms and we did! The daycare was nice about the whole thing and extremely sorry Carson was on the receiving end of the whole deal. As for the biter, don't worry interventions have been put in place. I actually prayed for that poor family too, I know I would be heart broken if Carson was the biter and worried sick about what I'd have to do if the daycare would have to ask me to leave. So hopefully things work out for that little nibbler and Carson will eventually adjust to his new room too.
Right after starting his new room Carson came down with a throat infection of some kind (they tested for Strep and it was negative) that then turned in to an ear infection. When it rains it pours around here. The doctor has now suggested we see an ear, nose, and throat doctor since Carson has had the max number of infections in his first two years of life. I am not sure how I feel about tubes for several reasons but I am praying God will lead us in the right direction, and I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
Now that he is fifteen months he weights 24 lbs, is about 31 1/2'' long, and his head is 47" around. In all those areas he is in the 50% group. He now has 12 teeth, four front on top and bottom and two molars on top and bottom. He loves playing with his blocks, trucks, books, and bat the most, but he'll play with anything he can get his hands on. He still really enjoys all food, especially fruits, veggies, and breads. He can say apple, more, Elmo, shoes and of course all the same as the previous month. He has fell in love with Elmo this month. I bought him an Elmo pop up book last school year and it quickly became his favorite book, but within the last month he started saying his name and loving to carry the book around. So he now will sit and watch a little Elmo and he now has an Elmo stuff animal to tote around. He can say Moo for a cow and say cow, point to his eye and say eye, and he is starting to point to his nose but doesn't say nose. And during Labor Day weekend he learned to slide down the slide at the neighborhood pool while seating up (Thanks Brett). Usually he'd lay back and go down. To bad the break through happened the last day to pool was opened. I feel like there is probably a million more things I could tell about our little man but it all just happens so quickly, within a week a new thing can happen, that these are just some of the highlights!
I hope you all have a wonderful September and until next month, Boomer!! Sooner!!
 Both were taken Sept. 7th, he enjoys going outside with the dogs! Anytime they need to go outside he feels he must too! 

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