Monday, October 7, 2013

Settling In

Bradley 1 week old

Carson 1 week old
Bradley 2 weeks old

 Bradley 3 weeks old

The first three weeks have really flown by, full of so many changes! Many have asked if it is harder or easier now with the second one. And honestly it is an entirely different ball game! Knowing what to expect with the hospital, bringing home a newborn, and the lack of sleep were a little easier to handle since we already knew how that went. But having a toddler to think about and entertain make it more of a challenge in many ways too! So I could get to know Bradley and his personality and to not rock Carson's world too much we have been keeping him on his daily daycare routine. His teachers tell me almost daily how he comes in talking about his new baby brother and how tiny he is. He really seems to enjoy the baby and getting to help and touch him whenever possible! However, the first week Carson was a bit of a hot mess. I was thinking it was a mix of the terrible twos and a new sibling, but we later found out he had a double ear infection! Since we've gotten that taken care of things have really changed and everyone seems a bit happier. It is the cutest thing to see Carson interact with "his baby."

Before we were discharged from the hospital our pediatrician came to check on Bradley and found that he has an asymmetric butt crease. Which sounds funny but actually can be a sign of a tethered spinal cord. The doctor assured us that Bradley was probably fine but if at the weight check in a couple of days the crease didn't seem to even out we'd have to have an ultrasound on his spine. Well at the weight check a few days after birth the crease had not evened out, so we were scheduled for an ultrasound. The percentage of newborns with some sort of birth mark near their lower back with a tethered spine is about 5 %, but to air on the safe side the doctor ordered the ultrasound. On Thursday, October 3rd we went to Children's Hospital to have Bradley's ultrasound. The tech thought things looked fine, but we'd have to wait for the doc to confirm that. Friday morning we heard everything was normal! Thank you Lord!! 

Bradley stats at his 2 week check: Length 20 3/4 inches / 50% compared to others, Weight 7lbs 15 oz (we have another big eater)/ 20% compared to others, and Head 35.3/ 20% compared to others. The doc thought he looked great!

Thanks to my dear friend Whitney, who set us up a meal train, we have been showered with many many meals and visitors. It has been so nice to see so many neighbors and friends and not have to worry about dinner! I'm not sure I'll remember how to make dinner for the boys once this month is over!

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