Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break!

29 weeks and 11 more to go!

I am 29 weeks this week and I can tell we are on the final stretch of this journey. I have started feeling a little more uncomfortable and slowly getting tired again! Fortunately, I know something good is waiting at the end of this! My test from the last dr.'s appointment were all fine, so I feel things continue to run smoothly.

This week is Spring Break for me!! Kyle is still in the middle of "busy season" so we don't have any big plans. This past weekend we were able to work around his work schedule to go to Dallas for the weekend. We went to a friends wedding and another friends wedding shower! It was so nice to get a way even for a little bit to see such dear friends.


  1. You look so dang cute!! Amazing :) Can't wait to see you and Carson when we move home. We will be back in 10 weeks!

  2. I can't wait for you guys to be home! It'll be so nice to have a good friend close by again!! 10 wks will be here before we know it!!

  3. you look fab! love your toned arms :)

  4. Thanks girls! I usually get really embarrassed by complements, but these days it really helps lift my spirits.
